Official Report by General Hunter Weston

To His Excellency the Governor, St. John’s.

Have returned from France where we met out men and addressed the battalion. Our officers and men are cheerful and anxious to secure full strength at earliest possible time. The gallantry of our Regiment in action on 1st July deserved, as it has received from General Hunter Weston. Commanding our Army Corps, and all others, the highest possible praise. Nothing has occurred since the commencement of the war more conspicuously brilliant. The General Staff and many others assure you and all Newfoundland of the heartful sympathy. We desire to unite in their expression, particularly with the families of those who fell. General Hunter Weston’s official report of the engagement (of which he handed us a copy) begins: 

            “Among such grand Battalions it is difficult to allocate greater praise to one rather than to another; but as, this is the first occasion on which troops from our Oldest Colony, Newfoundland, have taken part in a big battle. It is a good to be able to say that, they proved themselves worthy of the highest traditions of the British Race, and that no Battalion among those bands of heroes did better than they. They attacked regardless of loss, moving forward in extended order- wave behind wave- undismayed by the heavy fire, to which they were subjected,. It was a magnificent exhibition of disciplined courage.”

The wounded are doing well.

R.K. Bishop.
J.A. Clift.

His Excellency  the Governor observes that General Hunter Weston commanded our Army Corps in Gallipoli and in France. He was a Royal Engineer, and won a great name in South Africa, and elsewhere for this brilliant initiative and capable leading.

Source: The Daily News, July 24, 1916

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