July 21, 1917


 The Hon. Mr. Justice Kent, Chairman of the Employment Committee of the Newfoundland Patriotic Association, has intimated to the Government that it would be a great advantage to his Committee in their efforts to find work for returned soldiers if the various Government Departments and branches in the Colony would advise the Committee when vacancies occur. The Committee would then have an early chance of nominating a volunteer if they had a suitable applicant on their list.

 The Government are desirous that, where it can be done, returned volunteers shall be given the opportunity to enter the Public Service, provided their qualifications are such as to fit them for the work to be done. I shall be glad, therefore, if you will kindly take note of this matter and issue any instructions in the premises that may be necessary.

I have the honour to be,
Your obedient servant,

R. Morris

Acting Colonial Secretary

 Hon. M.P. Cashin
            Actg. Minister of Finance and Customs


Similar letter to

H.W. LeMessurier, Esg., Asst. Collector.
John G. Stone, Esg., Actg. Minister of Marine & Fisheries
Hon.W.W. Halfyard, “Minister of Agriculture and Mines”
W.Woodford, Esg., Actg. Minister of Public Works.
Hon. W.F. Lloyd, K.C., Actg. Minister of Justice
Hon. J.A. Robinson, L.D., Postmaster General

Source: GN 2.14.135, The Rooms, Provincial Archives, St. John's, NL

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