This letter once again shows the willingness of a young man who is eager to join the Newfoundland Regiment to do his part to help defend his King and Country in time of war.

Please note: The spelling in this letter has been kept the same at the original handwritten letter.


Dear Sir

Just a few lines to let you know that I am will I am sending to you for to see if I can get 6 months training for the war. I am 18 years old I will soon be 19 but I am in trap long whit my uncle and when the traps come out of the water I am coming if you wants me I heard the war was ragient and I taught to my self that I can get there to buy sending to you when I hear that the Germans are straying some of our countrymen it make my blood boil. I have lot of friend out there trying to do there best for there king and country so I am going to try to do the same so I would like for you to answer this letter & please send us the news about the war and I will presently spread it to my comrades so good luck.

Yours truly
Darious Cossell                         Please put in
Hooping Harbour                      my name.

13 June 1916

Source: The Rooms, Provincial Archives, St. John's, NL



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